
Like with many other tools, git ws works with sub-commands, i.e. the first argument is usually the name of a sub-command to run. Also as with other tools, you can usually get quick help on the command line by calling the tool (or any of it’s sub-commands) with the --help flag. Calling e.g. git ws --help will produce the following output:

Usage: git-ws [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Git Workspace - Multi Repository Management Tool.

  -v, --verbose
  --version      Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

  add            Run 'git add' on PATHS and choose the right git clone...
  checkout       Run 'git checkout' on PATHS and choose the right git...
  clone          Create a git clone from URL and initialize Git Workspace.
  commit         Run 'git commit' on PATHS and choose the right git clone...
  config         Read and modify configuration values.
  default        Set DEFAULT in Manifest to VALUE.
  deinit         Deinitialize Git Workspace.
  dep            Manage Dependencies.
  diff           Run 'git diff' on PATHS or all files (displayed paths...
  fetch          Run 'git fetch' on projects.
  foreach        Run COMMAND on projects.
  git            Run git COMMAND on projects.
  group-filters  Set Group Filter to VALUE.
  info           Git Workspace Information.
  init           Initialize Git Workspace *with* or *without* main project.
  manifest       Manifest Information.
  pull           Run 'git pull' on projects.
  push           Run 'git push' on projects (in reverse order).
  rebase         Run 'git rebase' on projects.
  remote         Manage Remotes.
  reset          Run 'git reset' on PATHS and choose the right git clone...
  rm             Run 'git rm' on PATHS and choose the right git clone...
  status         Run 'git status' on PATHS or all files (displayed paths...
  submodule      Run git submodule COMMAND on projects.
  tag            Create git tag NAME on main repository.
  unshallow      Convert Shallow Clones To Complete Ones.
  update         Create/update all dependent git clones.

In the following, the various commands available are explained in detail.